Tent Rocks
(408) 483-3782
Curious about how to shoot ruins?(408) 483-3782

1-day Tent Rocks Tour

with bonus Lightroom instruction

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Explore a unique New Mexico landscape. Volcanic flows from the Jemez Volcanic Field hardened about 6 million years ago. Water and wind sculpted the cone-shaped rocks and slot canyon, forming the protected shapes and sculpture in Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.

2020 Dates
4/25/2020 | 10/2/2020 | 11/14/2020 | 12/12/2020

Tour & Instruction $325 $295
(taxes, lodging & meals not included)

Tour Includes:

  • Recent thinking on site history
  • Guiding to the best viewpoints
  • Pro techniques and shooting suggestions
  • Pro critique of your best pictures
  • Bonus Lightroom instruction – enhance pictures to match what you saw

Tent Rocks

  • First Date Choice
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Questions? email me - markb@activelightphotography.com

Can’t make a scheduled photo tour? Ask about a tour on your schedule. I can accommodate private tours with at least two participants. I’ll need at least a month’s advanced notice for Chaco Canyon and Tracking the Anasazi tours, and two weeks for everything else. Just call me at (408) 483-3782 to set up your private tour.

Because of extra planning and attention, private tour cost is 15% more than a scheduled tour, and subject to my availability.

Terms and Conditions

Release Agreement